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Symbol of the ジブリ 

This is symbol of GHIBLI

わたし個人的には Personally...

I thought... a lonely robot which is standing alone in field 


yes, honestly i hope so ...but but...

the robot stood in narrow yard

but the robot was big ......... bi-------------g !!


Last sunday, I went to GHIBLI Museum,MITAKA with Nuri, one of our members
to meet some foreign students who study in japanese language school. 


We promoted this blog, hoping to come HERE  "STUDY ABROAD in JAPAN". 


OH,  for some of you who interested in what is GHIBLI MUSEUM, MITAKA.
Today, I will introduce. about GHIBLI  

Ghibli Museum is a museum featuring the Japanese anime work of Studio Ghibli,
and is located in Inokashira Park in Mitaka, a western suburb of Tokyo, Japan.

Planning for the museum began in 1998. Construction started in March 2000,
and the museum officially opened October 1, 2001.
Hayao Miyazaki designed the museum by himself,
using drawn storyboards similar to the ones he makes for his films.

The design was influenced by European architecture,
such as the hilltop village of Calcata in Italy.

Miyazaki's aim was to make the building itself part of the exhibit.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

If you are interested in GHIBII anime or JAPAN anime, vist GHIBLI Museum.
You can have a good time in there !!!!!!!!!!!!! 
















Facebook? Mixi?

I think the most popular social network service (SNS) in the world is Facebook.
In Japan, not so many people use Facebook and we have a different one.
We have Japanese original SNS and it is called mixi (ミクシィ).
Now that twitter is also spread in Japan, mixi is not as popular as it used to be, but it is still used by a lot of young people.

Japanese people use mixi mainly by their cellphones and, but you can also see it by computers.




Cellphones! We call it 携帯電話(ケータイ, keitai) in Japanese.

Cellphones are very popular and most of the university students have one. Or some students have more than one cellphones.

I know you will be surprised at Japanese cellphones!:)
Ordinary Japanese style cellphones are folded in half types.
Because a cellphone can be a wallet, camera, TV, and we can easily exchange our information by using infrared rays!
In Japan, I  think smartphones, such as iPones, are not as popularize as in Europe yet. Because they are still not so cheap and don't include the fuctions that I wrote above. XD
However, it is getting popular and popular and the numbers of people who are using smartphones are increasing. 

If you are thinking of buying a smartphone, you can go to Sofbank cellphone shop (to buy iPhone), or to go to AU (to buy Android. Android seems very useful because it includes very important functions for Japanese people! For example, infrared rays, decoration-email, and also skype!)

The three biggest cellphones companies are



Momiji もみじ狩り

Autimn is right here and it is best season to go on a trip view the autumn color.
few days ago, I went Yamanashi 山梨 ,enjoyed wine (yamanashi is famous for its production of grape) surrounding beutiful colors.

here WE are!

took this pic last class, this is testing pic for blog decoration :)


Tokyo DIsneyland(東京ディズニーランド)

Tokyo Disneyland is a very famous sightseeing spot in Japan.
It is located in Qiba which is close to Narita airport.

It's quite cold to go there in winter, so if you want to go there in winter, do not forget to bring coats.

(by Jiman)


Furisode (振袖)

Today I put on Furisode 振袖 (Kimono 着物) to have my pictures taken.
Furisode looks very gorgeous and beautiful, but it is very heavy!! XD

Girls wear Frurisode and men wear Hakama to celebrate their coming of ages.
We have Seijinshiki (成人式) in January which is a ceremony for people who are twenty years old.

In Japan, people who are over 20 years old are admitted as grown up.
If you are over 20, you can have most of the rights, such as voting, drinking, free marriages. ;)




Sakura is a kind of flower and I think it is almost the symbol of  Japan.

Every year, many people go to parks where are filled with sakura and drink or eat something under the tree of sakura.
It is called "Hanami".

(by Jiman)


Mita Festival

文化祭であるといえます。 (^^)


11月20 から11月23日まで♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪



朝日新聞 天声人語

I had only a "D" when I was in japanese laguage school, it was Kanji. even now I really rely on to my cell phone when I write my essay, any way I`m not good at Kanji.
My japanese teacher recommended 朝日新聞 天声人語 Asahi Shinbun Tensen-jingo for develop reading also Kanji. it is daily column, not too long, reflects what is going on in japan.


Internet cafe

some times I`m  using internet cafe ,for take my uncertain free time.
If you have 30min or 1 hour to your appointment and tired to spend your time for window shopping or Tachiyomi (checking  books at convinience store or book store), may be internet cafe is good place, some times.
there is hundreds of manga, and you can use internet ,ofcource, with soft drinks as much as you want and it is pretty reasonable that cost only 300yen in half of hour.
but it is not highly recommened place.
you can image the condition,  stuck in quite small space, the air is thick with smoke,you can hear a terrible snore....

(by Nuri)




Especially those students who put KEIO UNIVERSITY for first choice...



Japanese Language School

Once you have decided to study abroad in Japan, the most important step is to find a Japanese language school.
There are many Japanese language school in Japan,but all of them have different educaiton styles.Moreover,some language school even do not admit European countries' students.

When choose a language school, you had better be clear about what you want to learn,because some school provide the lessons like maths,sougoukamoku,biology and so on ,and some school do not offer the lessons like these.In addition, school fees are quite different.some schools maybe very cheap ,some schools maybe beyond hundreds of thousands per semester.

(by Jiman)


Domitory 1 Yokohama International Student House

I`ll post about student houses because I`m the one who was really concerned about where I could stay.
The averagy of  room charge per month in Tokyo, for example 1 Room, it start from 60000yen~ and it is dependent upon the place,and distance from nearest station and so on.

So, I recomend to you 学生寮(学生会館) or student domitory, and I will show you where I live at now, Yokohama International Student House横浜国際学生会館.

This domitory is student and student family, who is belong to school in Yokohama city.
here is the list   ↓↓↓

The important thing, the Rent is: only25000 yen including payment for water supply!
I think the deadline for application is coming up Decemver,you can check the hompage.

If you think about school in Yokohama, this domitory is quite nice stuff and if you have any question,plz leave any comments.

(by Nuri)


Information about applying to KEIO

Recently, there have been many questions about things about applying to KEIO UNIVERSITY by e-mail.
Especially questions about scores, for example, a student in Japanese language school asked me if he could submit the two test results since he had taken EJUand TOFEL twice.

I told him to choose a better result and submit that score, because it is not allowed to submit two results.

If anyone have problems like this or about applying to KEIO UNIVERSITY, please e-mail to us or call to nyugaku center.

(by Jiman)


Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)
EJU is used to evaluate whether international students who wish to study at the undergraduate level at universities or other such higher educational institutions in Japan possess the Japanese language skills and the basic academic abilities needed to study at those institutions.

Syllabus for Examination of Japanese as a Foreign Language
1. Reading comprehension, listening comprehension, and listening & reading comprehension
2. Writing

Syllabus for Examinations of Physics
1. Mechanics
2. Thermodynamics
3. Waves
4. Electromagnetism

EJU Syllabus for Examination of Chemistry
1. Chemical nature of substances
2. State of substance
3. Chemical reaction
4. Structure of matter

EJU Syllabus for Examination of Biology
1.Continuity of life
2.Environment and biological response
3.Organism and substance

EJU Syllabus for Examination of Japan and the World
1. Politics, Economy and Society
2. Geography
3. History

EJU Syllabus for Examination of Mathematics
1. Equations and inequalities  Mathematics l
2. Quadratic functions  Mathematics ll
3. Figures and measurements  Mathematics ll
4. Plane figures  Mathematics A
5. Set theory and logic  Mathematics A
6. The number of possible outcomes and probability  Mathematics A
7. Expressions and proofs/Equations of higher degree  Mathematics ll
8. Figures and equations  Mathematics ll
9. Various functions  Mathematics ll 
10. The concept of differentiation/integration  Mathematics ll 
12. Vectors  Mathematics B
13. Limits Mathematics lll
14. Differential calculus  Mathematics lll 
15. Integral calculus  Mathematics lll
16. Matrices and their applications  Mathematics C
17. Expressions and curves  Mathematics C   

※There are two courses in Math
The Course 1 examination covers only topics 1 to 6.
The Course 2 examination covers all 17 topics.

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)




If you never been to Japan, I`m pretty sure we will lost yourself when you get the train ,espcecially transfer.

the pic above, is JR map in Tokyo.
some times the cost is really diffirent depend on which train you choose.

For example,Hiyoshi-----Ebisu
it is start 340yen to 410yen

searching engine will be help you to planning to go out and save your time and money :)


Do you like SUSHI?
I love SUSHI so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I went to Ginza to eat SUSHI
It's awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  isn't it ??

SUSHI (寿司) is a Japanese dish consisting of cooked vinegared rice
which is commonly topped with other ingredients, such as fish or other seafood,or put into rolls.

There are many kaiten-zushi resturants in Japan.
(the plates with the sushi are placed on a rotating conveyor belt)
It's reasonable and more cheaper than counter-zushi.

I recommand you to eat maguro(tuna),salmon, and engawa. hahaha


Pocky Day

Today, there was a event at Shibuya.
Shibuya crossroads was crowded with pocky man!!!!!!!!!!!  


11 Nov is Pocky day in Japan  but also Korea too!! 
because 11.11 looks like Pocky :)


please, enjoy this movie !!!  



If you need  help, just go to  the KOBAN.
Someone will help you :)
KOBAN is a small neighborhood police station found in Japan. 
It also refers to the smallest organizational unit in today's Japanese police system.
If you need help !?!
Do not hesitate to go here




When you would like to open a checking account, you'd better go to these banks
 because these three banks are most famous and bigger than other banks in Japan
so it's actually very convenient.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry, I had bad pictures...



money 2

This is 5 thousand yen (¥5000) .
The woman printed on this bill is Higuchi Ichiyo (樋口一葉).
She was a famous writer and she wrote Takekurabe (たけくらべ), Nigorie (にごりえ), Jyusanya (十三夜).



money 1

This is  10 thousand yen (¥10,000).
We call it 'Ichiman yen.'

The man printed on this bill is Yukichi Fukuzawa who is a founder of Keio university.



Yukichi Fukuzawa (福澤諭吉)

This is a statue of Fukuzawa Yukichi.
Our Keio University was established by him.

We often use this satue as a meeting point.
For example, we say 'let's meet at in front of Yukichi.'




graduation ceremony

There is a graduation ceremony in March.

Most of the men wear suits and most of women wear Hakama(袴), or Furisode(振袖).


school term

In Japan, school term is very different from that of Europe.

A new school term starts at April.
Summer vacation is nearly 2 months, in August and September.
(However, until university students, students have only a month for summer vacation!)
Then, the latter term starts at the end of September.
There is a winter vacation from the end of December to the beginning of January.
We will have final exams and have the 2 months of spring vacation, in February and March.
(However, again, until university, students’ spring vacation is only about 2 weeks!)




In most of the universities, one class is about 90 minutes.
I will tell you about the timetable in our university.

1st class 9:00-10:30
2nd class 10:45-12:15
Lunch time 12:15-13:00
3rd class 13:00-14:30
4th class 14:45-16:15
5th class 16:30-18:00

However, most of us do not have 5 classes every day.
In university, we make our own schedule by deciding which classes to take.
Most of us have classes 3 or 4 classes a day.
(But it depends on your university, your faculty and your grade!)




Don’t get angry even if you don’t get a checkout bag at supermarkets!!

These days environmental problem is a big issue in Japan.
Therefore the number of shops that they don’t give free checkout bags is increasing!
People bring what we call ‘Eco-bag(エコバッグ).’
It’s a reusable shopping bag and you can use any kings of bags as eco-bag.

If you forget to bring your own bag, most of the time, you can get a checkout bag by paying 10 yen.



Soukei-sen (早慶戦)

Have you ever heard of ‘Soukei-sen(早慶戦)’?
This word is well known in Japan.
The best private universities in Japan are Keio(慶應) and Waseda(早稲田) and a match between these universities are called Soukei-sen. (Especially baseball games!)

Last Sunday we had an exciting sokei-sen, but our university lost… It was 10-5.:-(



swimming pool

There is a large swimming pool in our university.
It’s in Kyosei-kan.
We can take P.E classes in our university, but its credit is half (only one credit), compare to normal classes.



Obento (お弁当)

Do you know what ‘Obento(お弁当)’ means?
It means a box lunch in Japanese.
In University, some people bring their own obento, and others buy some breads or Onigiri (rice balls) at shops, or go to restaurant or fast food restaurant to have lunch.

I made this obento!;-)
Onigiri, Nikujyaga, Ohitashi, and some fruits!



When you ride a train, bus, or subway
it takes over all kinds of transportation
you can charge and buy this card at every station
this one card can be in stead of one ticket !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we will show you how to make this card and how to use it next time!!!!


How to make your questions

please write any kinds of questions below this article.

then we will answer to your questions.



Hiyoshi campus

we study here.
This picture was taken a year ago.
There are ginkgo trees on either side of the school entrance.
Tell the truth......
the smell is soooo bad XD


About the member(miryeong)

Hello!I'm miryeong Kim.
I'm in the second year of keio Uni.
As you know,I'm Korean because I'm Kim.hahaha
I'm really happy to do this project.
Nuri,Rei,Jiman and me, we all have experienced studying abroad.
So,we think we can do something for you.
We will mainly write texts with English and Japanese but
for some of you who don't know both languages
We also use Chinese and Korean.
So, please do not hesitate if you have questions.
Thank you for visiting.


About us (Nuri)

Hi! My name is Nuri, 2nd year of Bussiness and commerce facuty of Keio. I am from Seoul, Korea and I`ve been living in Japan almost 5years. I graduated Japan Hotel School in Tokyo, so if you interasted in Senmongak-ko (vocational school) we can share my experience (of course about Keio).
I hope that you could find right answer, what you want!



This is Mita Campus~
It`s pretty old.....

About the members (Jiman)

Hello. I'm Jiman, a first year student in Keio University.
I came from Shanghai last year.When I came Japan, I had a lot of trouble,which you guys who want to study or live in Japan might  have when you come to Japan,so if you have any trouble or problem about life or study in Japan, you can ask me or anyone of our members.
Finally,I would love to appreciate this blog to give me the chance to write this wonderful articles with you, nice girls, Rei,Nuri and Miryon.(^u^)

about the member (Rei)

Since we have just started this blog, I would like to introduce myself.
I’m Rei Nishimura and I am 20 years old. I’m Japanese.
I’m in the second year of my University and I major in business and commerce.

I love traveling abroad and I’ve been to Korea, China, America, Australia, England, Ireland, Italy, Thai land and some other places.
I like talking with people from different countries because I can learn a lot from them.

I hope this blog will be useful for those who are interested in Japan.;)
I will tell you about the real university students’ lives in Japan and Japanese culture.

Rei (Japanese)

first message

Hello every one.
First of all, thank you very much for visiting our blog.
This blog is written by four students from Keio University (Tokyo, Japan), 2 Korean students, 1 Chinese student and also 1 Japanese student.
Since all of us have the experience of studying abroad, we would like to help people who want to study in Japan. We will try to give us as much information as we can to know about Japan.
We welcome any kinds of questions since I’m native Japanese and other members are exchange students.
Please feel free to make a comment!

Rei (Japanese)